
Co-design workshop identifies new technologies to support greater independence for older residents

Last month, we invited residents from one of our dementia-friendly independent living schemes in the North West to participate in a discovery and co-design workshop.

First Published: 11/12/2019

The workshop explored assistive technologies and solutions that may offer benefits to older residents who wish to live more independently in their own homes for longer and those who are living with dementia-related conditions.

Currently nine out of ten older people wish to live at home and many of them need some level of support. We currently have a UK population of 1.6 million adults over the age of 85, but by 2043 The Office for National Statistics predicts there will be 3 million people over 85 – businesses like ours need to be prepared for this growth, maximising independent living opportunities and minimising the costs of ageing in place. One way of doing this is by finding technologies that can enhance older residents’ confidence in maintaining a good quality of life.

Read Joe’s full blog here

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