
Our partners

By working with Astraline, your business will help make the lives of older and vulnerable people better.

Partnering with Astraline

At Astraline we work with you to deliver efficient and cost-effective telecare solutions to give your customers and their families peace of mind that they can call for help 24-hours a day, 365 days of the year.

Work with us

Working with Johnnie Johnson Housing

Johnnie Johnson Housing uses our 24-hour monitoring services in their retirement properties, to help their customers stay safe at home.

Learn more

Frequently asked questions

We can provide the following services:

  • Monitor Telecare equipment
  • Provide emergency assistance using Emergency Services, Next of kin or named contact.
  • Loan Worker Monitoring
  • UMO Web – Provide Support for Web based Portal for your own clients
  • Daytime and Out of hour Repairs
  • Welfare Calls
  • Manage Mobile Response Service

We provide standard automated management reports for our clients. If you require something bespoke, we can work with you to make sure you get the information you need.

We also hold regular contract review meetings to ensure that the service we offer continues to meet your neeeds.

Let us help you

We work with you to deliver reliable care solutions to give your customers and their families peace of mind that they can call for help 24-hours a day, 365 days of the year.

Accreditations We are proud to be accredited by the TSA and certified by the the Quality Standards Framework (QSF), which recognises our commitment to provide safe, reliable and affordable services to our customers.
Our Promise We want you to be happy with the services you receive, so we created our customer promise to reinforce our ongoing commitment to providing outstanding customer service and technology-enabled care products.