
Coronavirus, latest update

We continue to plan our ongoing approach to the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) to mitigate where possible the impact the outbreak may have on the delivery of our services, as well as keeping our people and residents safe and well.

First Published: 13/05/2019

Astraline is confident that we have correct procedures in place to minimise any impact the outbreak of Coronavirus may cause.

As part of our TSA accreditation we already have robust disaster recovery (DR) plans in place in case of a need to relocate, or where individuals are unable to get into the office, including:

  • Two alternative sites are equipped to transfer the service to
  • Access to additional laptops, which can be used by our operators at home
  • Number of operators who are able to access systems via their own devices and provide cover / back up
  • 24/7 supervisor on call to deal with any emergencies resulting in operators having to self- isolate

We are also taking the following additional precautions to help minimise impact internally at Astraline:

  • Desks and equipment wiped down before and after every shift, we’ve provided hand sanitisers and anti-bacterial wipes for all colleagues
  • All operators have own headsets and do not share
  • Reviewed the cleaning provision with our contractors
  • Colleague communication page set up online to keep our colleagues up to date as and when we have new information
  • Working with contractors to understand and implement best practice.

Current Update

We have undertaken a number of initiatives in the past week, including:

  • Writing to all private customers to advise them that if they believe that they are at risk of COVID-19, that they press their pendant and make an Astraline operator aware.
  • We have successfully tested our home-working solution in real time, and can have an appropriate number of operators working from home at the same time in the event of social distancing/self-isolation.
  • We have created alternative methods of communication for colleagues and management teams to enable them to communicate effectively off-site in the event that full home-isolation is invoked.

You can also read the Government’s latest response to the Coronavirus/Covid-19

You can also read the self-isolation advice from the NHS

Contact Us If you have any questions about our services, please get in touch!
Professional We work with local authorities, housing providers and healthcare businesses to help deliver telecare solutions which provide peace of mind for customers and their families.
Our Promise We want you to be happy with the services you receive, so we created our customer promise to reinforce our ongoing commitment to providing outstanding customer service and technology-enabled care products.